
Kaila Stobo


Farren Smith


Brian St. Pierre


Taj Johnson

About Grassroots

Leaders in Technology

Being the undisputed leaders in technology, marketing, and innovation in Alberta. Continuously and relentlessly researching and implementing new real estate technology.

Local Roots

Being the undisputed leaders in technology, marketing, and innovation in Alberta. Continuously and relentlessly researching and implementing new real estate technology.

High Level of Mentorship

Changing the model of how agents pay fees to reduce barriers to entry for new and young agents. Providing higher marketing budgets for our clients and providing the most extensive and productive mentorship in the business.

Saavy Agents

Our agents are enabled with state of the art technology to make smart and informed business decisions in the demanding and faced paced real estate market.

Beautiful Space

Creating a fun, contemporary workspace for our clients and agents that demands creativity, teamwork and success and breaks down the precious conceptions of what an office should be.


Small Brokerage mentality allows us to adapt quickly and change to market conditions in our volatile primary industry based economy.